Step up your Safety
Efforts towards advancing health and safety standards, and improving education and awareness, have resulted in a positive shift in our workplace culture. Yet each and every day, families, communities, and organizations continue to experience loss and pain due to preventable workplace injuries and fatalities.
Conference Keynotes
Do you need a passionate and captivating speaker to inspire your audience and ignite your event?
Candace’s personal story, while compelling on it’s own, is a catalyst for sharing life lessons that are relatable. Every keynote showcases Candace’s unique blend of humour, engagement and motivation and ends with a strong call to action.
Candace has learned what she believes to a crucial life lesson the hard way: ‘The first step in not getting hurt is knowing that you can be.’ She believes that avoiding needless injuries through day to day life and activities can be achieved just by simply realizing that the potential for injury exists.
Candace challenges the “invincibility factor” which, for her, is the most troubling hazard facing working youth – the belief that injuries won’t happen to them. In her one hour presentation, Candace speaks about her typical life as a university student, working summers to pay for school in the fall, and how one step in the wrong direction changed the course of her life forever.
Candace’s energy and enthusiasm is contagious, and through her many stories, she sends a message that reaches far beyond that of workplace health and safety. Candace encourages her audience to use their education, knowledge, experience, and awareness to expand on the importance of safety within their day to day lives. Candace inspires her audiences to ‘stand up for safety’ (both figuratively and literally) and to ‘say something’ when they ‘see something.’
Expected outcomes
Reduction in recordable injuries, an empowered student body/workplace that is inspired to keep themselves and their loved ones/colleagues safe.
Candace believes that “The first step in NOT getting injured is knowing that you CAN be.”
Her unimaginable experience dispels the myth that we are invincible; what you don’t know, in fact, can hurt you – lessons Candace learned the hard way.
Candace shares her very personal account about the day that changed her life forever, after suffering the loss of her lower left leg to an unguarded conveyor belt system.
With her ever present sense of humour and passion for her message she emphasizes that when an injury happens, there is rarely only one cause or contributing factor – emphasizing the countless opportunities to intervene in the name of safety.
In guiding audiences through her fateful day, she recounts her thoughts or ‘distractions’ and talks about her then subconscious belief that nothing “bad” could ever happen to her.
Candace’s presentation focuses on identifying the many contributing factors (insufficient training, unguarded machinery, unsafe culture, etc.…) that led to her injury, while assuming responsibility for her own role in the incident.
Candace encourages people to take a leading role in their own health and safety! Encouraging them to embrace, and even celebrate, their right to an injury-free and healthy environment.
Combating complacency, and encouraging people to “focus on focus!” are key components to Candace’s message. Her story is a reminder that safety isn’t 9-5 – rather, it’s a state of mind, an attitude that we must carry with us throughout our day to day lives.
Expected outcomes
Reduction in recordable injuries, enriched safety awareness, accountability, an empowered and cohesive student body and or workforce.
See Something. Say Something!
We all know the right things to do to keep safe, so why aren’t we doing them?
Candace has developed a plethora of mantras throughout her 17 years in the safety industry – but none are as powerful, effective, or as energizing as her call to action for her audience to ‘SEE SOMETHING. SAY SOMETHING!’
By referencing the many contributing factors that led to her workplace incident, she ignites a desire in her audience to answer this call.
Candace uses her own experiences, and encourages her audience to join her by ‘logging into life’ and actively seek out situations where speaking up changes a life for the better.
Perhaps this is reminding someone to buckle up, or simply asking someone how they are doing.
Candace believes that it’s the little things done on a day to day basis that facilitate huge changes. By reminding people that until we achieve ZERO injuries, we can each do ‘one thing safer’ – a challenge accepted by audiences around the world.
It takes ‘Courage to care!’ Speaking up isn’t easy, and peer pressure isn’t something we leave behind when we finish high school – it’s a reality in our workplaces and can cause us to remain silent when our voices need to be heard. Candace encourages her audience to tap in to their “courage to care,” and to act on it, with the realization that each and every day, we all have the capacity to change a life – or maybe even save one.
Expected outcomes
Reduction in recordable injuries, a safety-focused, empowered, cohesive and engaged student body/workforce.
Workplace presentations
Do you need to engage your employees in your existing safety programs? Are you running a safety day, shutdown, or special workplace event that needs a fresh new voice?
At your workplace event Candace will weave her personal story with life lessons and address your particular workplace safety challenges. Her customized approach will:
- make safety personal for every employee
- make the connection between processes and people
- motivate your workforce to find their voice
- tackle serious topics with an approach that informs, engages and motivates – with humour!
- ends the event with a strong call to action that aligns with your safety program
Looking for more
Are your existing safety programs not as effective as they could be?
Do you need new ideas for inspiring your workforce to be safe?
Do you need a customized plan to address the obstacles you’re facing?
Do you have programs in place but not getting results
because the behaviours and attitudes are not aligned?
Make it personal
Candace will work one on one with you to develop a unique consulting relationship.
It can look like any combination of the following:
- A face for safety in your workplace – Candace as part of your safety team
- Candace as an ambassador who develops relationships with your employees
- feature Candace in your safety campaigns, videos, posters
- Company-wide presentations to reach all levels of your company; management and front-line workers
- Get maximum impact from your current safety initiatives by adding an approachable face to reinforce your safety messages
- A custom plan for multiple sessions with your team that carries the messaging throughout the workplace over an extended period of time
- Top down approach – starting with management integrating messaging throughout the organization
A live online keynote
Here’s how I intend to continue sharing my passion for safety with you in safe, new and innovative way!
When it comes to safety, let’s make it personal! Download the PDF overview of Live Online Keynotes.