I love going to work from home in Halifax – especially when I get to visit with my friends at Exxon Mobil! Over the past several years I’ve had the opportunity to share my story with them at many of their excellent Safe Starts and other internal Health and Safety events. This is a company that strives for constant improvement. Celebrating what is working well and then building upon it to make it better. Each time I join them and sit and listen in on new safety developments I am always so impressed at their ability to keep their messaging consistent, yet new and exciting.
The last time I worked with Exxon Mobil the push was on to ‘Finish Strong’. Meaning, even when the day is done, or a project is winding down – we don’t let our guard down – we stay the course to ensure that #nobodygetshurt.
While preparing my message this time, I noticed they have added to their powerful message of Finish Strong. Now, it’s “start slow to finish strong” – I love this!
A placard given to me by my late Grammy Mullin hangs on my wall. It reads “the Hurrier I go the Behinder I get”, an ever-present reminder of my very special grandmother, and also to slow down. It was the perfect accompaniment to complement my message for the morning.
I grabbed it off my wall as I walked out the door -and wrapped it up to protect it (which is what we should with things that are precious, dear to us and irreplaceable, right – like ourselves! How’d ya like my PPE metaphor;) and I brought it to share as a reminder that going fast rarely saves time. In fact, rushing often causes stress, dangerous situations and sometimes results in injury.
Safety doesn’t have to be complicated – Grammy Mullin wasn’t – she knew that simply slowing down in life was one of the best ways to stay happy, safe, and focused on what matters most – being present and healthy to spend time with the people you’re really working for – your family!!